Set in a small Orlando-adjacent town in 1992, this dark comedy series stars Kirsten Dunst as Krystal Stubbs (in her Golden Globe-nominated performance), a minimum-wage water park employee who lies, schemes and cons her way up the ranks of Founders American Merchandise (FAM) - the cultish, flag-waving, multibillion-dollar pyramid scheme that drove her family to ruin in the first place, run by the powerful Obie Garbeau II (Ted Levine). Determined to make a better life for herself, Krystal dives deep into FAM and develops a tangled relationship with FAM's most loyal and fanatical follower Cody (Théodore Pellerin), until her business begins to affect those closest to her.
This 3-disc set collects all 10 episodes from the unpredictable First Season in a world first on DVD!
To win one of five DVDs thanks to Via Vision Entertainment, just make sure you follow both steps:
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Competition opens at 5:00pm AEST on Sunday 24th May 2020 and closes at 11:59 pm AEST on Sunday 31st May 2020. Five winners will be chosen at random on Monday 1st June 2020. To successfully win, entrants must fulfil the above entry conditions before the time the competition closes. Current members/followers are eligible to enter the competition. Only one entry per person. Only one winner per household. To be a valid winner, the entrant must not have won a prize from SWITCH within the last 28 days. Each winner will receive one DVD copy of 'On Becoming a God in Central Florida: Season One'. By entering, you agree to receive occasional emails from SWITCH in the future. If you decide to unsubscribe from these updates, any further entries will not be applicable. Only Australian residents are eligible to enter.