Based on the true story of British explorer Percy Fawcett, 'The Lost City of Z' tells the incredible true story of British explorer Percy Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam, 'King Arthur: Legend of the Sword', 'Sons of Anarchy'), who journeys into the Amazon at the dawn of the 20th century and discovers evidence of a previously unknown advanced civilisation.
Despite being ridiculed by the scientific establishment, the determined Fawcett - supported by his devoted wife (Sienna Miller, 'High-Rise', 'American Sniper'), son (Tom Holland, 'Spider-Man: Homecoming') and aide-de-camp (Robert Pattinson, 'The Twilight Saga') - returns to the jungle in an attempt to prove his case, culminating in his and his son’s mysterious disappearance in 1925.
An epic tale of courage and passion, 'The Lost City of Z' is a stirring tribute to the exploratory spirit and a conflicted adventurer driven to the verge of obsession.
***The Lost City Of Z*** is available on Blu-ray, Digital and DVD on Wednesday the 29th November 2017 from Universal Sony. The film is based on the book ***The Lost City Of Z*** by David Grann, published by Simon & Schuster, which is available now in all good bookstores.
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