Twelve-year-old Eli unknowingly stumbles upon the frightening carnage of a massacre and finds a discarded futuristic super-weapon. Recently released from prison, Eli’s older brother Jimmy realises he can’t escape his criminal past when an ex-associate threatens to kill him and his family. In a misguided attempt to protect his loved one, Jimmy makes a fatal mistake and he must go on the run with Eli to save their lives.
With danger at every turn, it seems the only thing keeping the pair alive is Eli’s mysterious new weapon. Following their path of destruction are two strange figures that catch up with the brothers and seize Eli’s gun. The encounter is no coincidence and Eli soon discovers he has a strong connection to the mysterious weapon and these otherworldly strangers.
A solid offering from a clearly talented creative team, ‘Kin’ is a very different kind of family drama, with an exciting cast and a fantastic debut from the Baker brothers.
Win one of five double passes to see ‘Kin’ in cinemas, starring James Franco, Dennis Quaid, Zoë Kravitz and Jack Reynor.