Explore the queer frontier at Queer Screen's 29th Mardi Gras Film Festival. With over 110 films on offer, you're invited to explore new LGBTIQ+ stories and filmmakers.
The SWITCH team has assembled a collection of reviews for some of the best films from the 2022 line-up - so check them out, and head back as we add more reviews throughout the festival!
St. Vincent/Annie Clark cleverly finds a way to have her cake and eat it too, and while the meta loop-de-loops do get a bit tangled, it's a funny and intriguing film that asks if the perceptions the famous have of themselves are just as toxic as the ones placed on them by the public.
'Boy Culture' continues from its 2007 film and updates it in the modern age, with its mini-episodes offering up a lot of great conversation starters. Still, when packaged as a film, it doesn't hold the same impact as its six episodes, making it engaging to watch as a time-killer.
If you grew up with queer comics, this is the perfect issue of nostalgia with stories from your favourite artists. For those less familiar, it's the ultimate history lesson in these LGBTQIA+ pioneers.
For fans of the Queen of Cameroon who know her from 'Drag Race', it does serve as a jumping-off point to show more of her personality, but never goes deep enough to be fully worthwhile.
From Paul Verhoeven, this isn't subtle - the movie is alternately deadly serious and amazingly goofy, raising intriguing questions about belief and sexuality, then answering them in very silly ways.
This film never reaches its goal. The two leads are cute and capable on their own, but the screenplay and direction sadly never get the project over the line.